Quote Originally Posted by ConcinnusMan View Post
Most garters and ribbons do fine and can live on whole silversides their entire lives if need be. if using whole fish like that, a light supplementation using reptivite or other supplement formulated for reptiles once every few months is plenty. Don't overdo it on the supplements. Ocean Nutrition brand are already supplemented, but San Fransisco Bay Brand "Sally's sliversides" are packed in water and much higher quality. There's no hard and fast rule about how much to feed. Just feed until they have a significant bulge and feed again when it's gone, or about twice a week. It's hard to feed them too much fish. They tend to get obese if you overfeed them on rodents though. If they're getting a variety of whole foods that includes rodents, you can skip the supplements altogether.
Thank you so so much! I'll definitely look into that brand!