Thanks for all the replies,

Shes eating again!!

I realised that another thing was that I had changed the way I was feeding her. In her old enclosure I used to take her out and move her into a small box to feed her. But she never seemed happy in the box and i couldnt regulate the temperature as well in it so I decided when i moved her into a bigger enclosure I would feed her in there and she would be more comfortable.
So before I tried with the pinky I thought i'll try again and put her in a new box with her food... SHE ATE STRAIGHT AWAY.

Now i feel really bad because she must have been starving, I just didn't think she would not eat for so long from a change like that. I'm hoping it was a mix of that and winter, as surly if she was hungry she would have eventually gone for the food in her tank?

I want to spoil her like a little princess now, she will be a brat by the end of it.