Quote Originally Posted by ConcinnusMan View Post
Yes, pretty much. A few of these have been found in the past few years which is just unheard of and it's always someone that doesn't know the first thing about husbandry or makes a "newbie mistake" like this one and kills it, or allows it to escape, or we never hear from them again.
One of the reasons we never hear from them again is because they feel intimidated by replies to their posts. Richard, you know your snakes, but your interpersonal skills are somewhat lacking. Even you're apology is a thinly veiled criticism.
I'm impressed that WarriorPrincess is still checking in with us and asking for advice. At the end of the day a "newbie" was in the right place at the right time and found her way to a forum where she could be guided and nurtured so that she wasn't a newbie who might make a mistake with a precious animal. In her position I would have stuck two finger up at you and you'd never have heard from me again.

If the ultimate goal is to get the genes from this garter into captive populations then being nice to the person that possesses it is probably the better approach.