My two year old female albino checkered garter snake has suddenly morphed into an unrelenting vicious little yellow snake! It's been happening for the past 5 or 6 weeks now.

I don't know what to do with her! Even when I reach my hand into the tank to change her water bowl she shoots out from where ever she was hiding and tries to bite the crap out of my hand, haha. She looks like a little cobra because she flattens out her head and body and flips around trying everything she can to get her teeth into my skin.

Her feeding response is still strong as ever. I have her on mice and she gets fed once a week, but she usually tries to bite the tongs a few times before she gets ahold of the mouse. I use to feed her out of her enclosure in a separate bin but I can't even get her out of her tank anymore because she's too fast and flighty and way too nippy. I get worried she's going to end up ingesting aspen since she's use to being fed out of her cage. I'm dreading the day (coming very soon) when I really am going to need to do a deep clean on her cage and take out all of her furniture/aspen.

I just don't know what to do. I can't handle her anymore because she's way too flighty and gets away easily, bites me constantly, and flings musk all over the place! Nothing about her environment has been changed except the fact that I've gone to University a few miles away, but I still come home at least once or twice a week to care for my snakes. I guess maybe she's gotten use to the absolute quiet and calm of my empty room, and when I come home she's just really angry about it?

Has anyone else ever dealt with an extremely flighty and aggressive small colubrid? Suggestions for what I can try to do to tame her again? She use to be so sweet