I've adopted an Eastern Garter (following capture by my outdoor kitty) who I've named Petey (Snakey Pete Slytherin). I'm in a wooded area of southern New Jersey (in NJ's Pinelands and about 30 minutes from Philadelphia). Miraculously, he escaped without a mark (amazing since our cats are big-time hunters) and I've brought him indoors, set him up in a comfy vivarium, gotten him to feed (first, with earthworms, then fish, and now half-pinkies). From the outset, I want to thank all of the contributors on this site for their shared experience and words of wisdom. I never thought I'd get him to go for pinkies since he's very motion oriented, but I've been conditioning (i.e. tricking) him into looking for fish in his water bowl and finding the half-mouse. He seems to like them well enough. Still having trouble getting him to settle down when I want to handle him - he continues to flee and then musk when caught. I suppose this is normal for a wild-caught garter, but any advice or experiences in this regard would be appreciated. I want him to realize I mean him no harm. Thanks.