Okay, a snake that was caught by my father for my birthday gave birth, she has 8 snaklets so far, I don't think there are anymore on the way, but I need some help.
For one, we have to many, my friend may be able to take some, but how long until it's safe to transfer them? Especially to someone who has never had a garter, or, any snake.
I'll be there to help her, if she needs it, and, if it works out, I'll see about getting her an account here
But no stillborns, all wiggling.
We didn't soak them, it that okay? Or is it really, really essential?
When will they start eating? Should we feed them now, or wait a while?
I think that's it for now, if I can figure out how to post pictures, I will
Oh, and if you can't tell, I'm super excited, none of the garters I've owned have ever given birth, much less one we thought was a male until this morning :P