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Thread: PLEASE Help

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  1. #1
    "Preparing For First shed" 05brandon50's Avatar
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    Feb 2010
    Palm Springs, CA
    Country: United States

    Exclamation PLEASE Help

    Hey guys
    My garter Rita is really sick. I found her laid out in her tank motionless. I waved my hand past the glass a few times and where she would normally be very inquisitive, she wasn't. She just laid there and barely moved. The one things I could think of was that she had reguratated and I had been feeding her her usual silversides but on one I dusted ever so slightly with a vitamin supplement, barely any. It wasn't an overly large meal either. Her water was a little low but that's all that I can think of. I replenished her water and picked her up gently and she started spasming violently as if she was trying to throw up more. After she calmed down I placed her near the water and she took a few gulps but that's it. i have since turned off her light and she is still just laying there, motionless but alive. I don't have a very good exotic reptile vet near me (the last and only one remotely close to me was the one who killed my cham right in front of me). I'm not sure if this is normal behavior after regurging but I have owned exotic reptiles my whole life and have experience with snakes but I have no idea what's wrong... PLEASE I know there are none/not many vets on here but at the moment, it's the best option I have so if there are any ideas of ways I can help her please let me know as I don't want to lose my beloved pet..
    Last edited by 05brandon50; 08-14-2013 at 08:45 PM.
    1 corn: August
    1 ball python: Kenya
    1 red sided garter: Rita

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