Tiger seems to have a respiratory infection. She started sneezing about a week ago and I got her in to the vet. The check-up was good except for the sneezing. She's not eating right now but she's still a healthy weight and her mouth is free of mucus. We're not really sure how she got sick but she is an older snake and she got heavily gravid twice this year.

The vet started her on Baytril injections and I'm continuing to do them every 48 hours. The poor critter does not enjoy the injections. I'm giving her a daily soak to keep her hydrated and humidity's at 50%. The vet suggested keeping her warm (about 80F) at all times to speed recovery so I set up a heating pad for nighttime use (didn't want to use a heat lamp at night). She's still sneezing after two Baytril treatments, and still lethargic. I'm really hoping she pulls through.