Hi everyone! My name is Kylie, and I currently have two garters. I've had an albino checkered garter for about a year now, and just last night was at my LPS and they had a "Florida Blue"... I couldn't resist, and she's home with me now too!

For all that I've had the albino checkered for over a year now, I'm just starting the process in really learning about garters, so please forgive me if I don't use the right terms and scientific names just yet lol. I've decided that these little guys are "my" snake, and want to get more in the future. Before I do that, I want to make sure I'm read up on them!

The catch is that I do live in Georgia, one of the few states where native garters are illegal to own. So supposedly, eastern garters are a no go for me... but doing some research this morning, it sounds like my new "Florida Blue" is actually a blue eastern, and she was displayed rather proudly at the store. The guy who sold her to me (who DOES know his snakes... at least his pythons and boas) said he thought she was a cross between a checkered and a blue sided, and had bought her at the Repticon show in Atlanta the weekend before. So, between what he said, that the seller could sell him at the show, and that most people here don't know one snake from another to save their life, I think I'd be pretty safe with eastern morphs. Not that I want to tempt fate by seeking them out, but I'm not giving up my new girl.

So! I'm here now, reading everything I can, and hope to be around for a while! I will put up pictures in the next post.