OK, so sulking at all these baby threads, I have only had jelly beans this year...when I walked past a tank and saw this....
san3.jpg san4.jpg (without and with flash)

This female wasn't paired with a male before as she was too young, 2011 female, she has been in with the male now for about 3 months but no interest shown at all. (or so I thought) I came back from a few days away in Cornwall and Somerset yesterday as my son who was looking after all the animals took ill. I checked all the tanks on my return, changed water etc, all fine...yet this morning I find this one and two still borns!!
(The moss is just barely damp, but looks very wet in the pic for some reason?)
I threw in a baby guppy to see if there was any interest, and bam.
A little confused, yet over the moon at a tiny new scrub!
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