Hey guys!

I have been pretty bored lately and was wondering if anyone has any experience with custom semi-aquatic enclosures for their garters! I was looking on youtube and saw an amazing tank that didn't look too tough to replicate. Of corse I would not be using fish, frogs, or any other living organisms in the water, but I was just thinking of trying to make an interesting cage. Does anyone have any experience and or advice in regards to substrate, radios of land to water, etc.? Would garters enjoy or benefit from having this kind of setup? Like I said, I am rather bored with my typical snake setups on my corn snake and ball python cages and garters could support a "creative" cage.
If not semi-aquatic, any ideas or experience with planted cages?? That could be an interesting project as well.

Any input would be great!


*note my grammar and paragraphing are terrible as I just got off of work and am exhausted