Steve- My first Radix caught him hiding from the rain in the shop I used to work in. Kept him at work until I had to move shops.
Ginger Noodle- Hubby's Albino Corn Snake.
T-Rad- Radix from the Radix Ranch.
Checker- Albino checkered from the Radix Ranch.
Momma- WC Radix mom.
Little Girl/Scarred Girl- WC with Momma. She has some scarring.
Crinkle- WC Radix I caught at work. She has a really crinkly back, like she's been ran over or has a birth defect.
Daddy- Momma's Boyfriend.
Little Boy- WC with Momma.
Keith Richards- the shop I used to work in's replacement for Steve when I took Steve home. Not sure why he got named this...
Fitchii- Fitchii I got from Washington State.
Wild One- baby Radix that was WC with Momma.
Greenie- Rough green snake from Louisiana.
Tiny Dancer- Ribbon Snake from Louisiana. (When we were looking at her, she was dancing.)
Squigglies/Babies/Scrubbies- the 31 babies Momma just had.