one thing i want to know is if i were to breed the 2 T. S. Sirtalis i have how can i find out about its genetics or in other words chances of an albino/flame/anerythristic etc. morphs, or would i just need to breed and see what i get?

what are the standard sizes/lengths for males and females to begin breeding?

i don't know if i will begin breeding after the new one gets done in her quarantine or not i'm just really curious if those morphs were just something that happened. i have heard that you can sometimes find WC garters with flame morph along with albinos, but what are the percentage of births that actually result in the morphs.

also if i do start breeding i may try selling a few of the ordinary easterns at a low price pretty much with little to no profit at first just to see the reception and because i know that a lot of the cost is in the shipping. i have also thought about doing what Scott does where he will take items for trade of the garters suck as substrate decorations and what not. but as i have said this is just an idea, none of it may ever happen i'm just not real sure.