This morning, I went into Little Dude's enclosure to check on her and her current housemates, Piggy and Stripeless.

I expected three snakes. I found seven.

Apparently, Little Dude has just given birth to about four little sneakies.

I've separated them out, and probably traumatized Piggy and Stripeless nearly to death in the process. They'll probably be having nightmares about giant pink monkey hands trying to grab them for the next four weeks. I had to take out all the fake plants just to make sure I got them all.

But the little ones are in a new enclosure, with the bottom lined with dirt, a small "thatch-roof cottage" to hide in, and a bowl of water with a brick next to it so they can drink and swim if they like. I also put an ash tray full of chopped-up nightcrawlers in there, just in case they're hungry.

One of the little boogers bit me. Even at that tiny size, they can sting pretty good if they want.

Pics later, if I can manage it. Right now, I have to go to work.