I had a female Puget drop a litter of 12 last night. This is my first garter snake birthing experience.

I've got them set up communally in groups of 6 with a large, but shallow, water dish and a hide kept moist with a sponge. Belly heat is provided at about 90 degrees across the rear 1/5th of a 10x12 tub.

I've had a few set up in 4" deli cups for about half an hour with a glass tealight candle holder water bowl with a small (week or two old) guppy in it. They seem to have just discovered that there's food in there.

My questions are;

Exactly how large of prey and how often should I be feeding the little guys to ensure optimal growth without risk of over-feeding?

Also, where would one acquire worms small enough to start these guys on? I am aware that red wigglers are a no go. I will try scented pinky parts at a later date once they are started; or is it worthwhile to go ahead and see if they will start on pinky parts?

If kept at an ambient temperature of either 75 or 80/82 is supplemental heat a necessary requirement? If so, how long is it safe to leave them in the deli containers away from the heat while I'm offering food.

Any other advice you may think to give a new garter daddy is welcomed. I'm primarily a python guy. :/ Much appreciated.