I think Harley's about to shed again. Overnight all the scales on her body have started to look REALLY flaky. The thing that has me worried is that the dermatitis is so severe and damaged the scales badly enough that they've been bending in two. So many of the scales seem to be trying to come off in two pieces.

Right now I've got her in a 'shed box' made of a circular shipping container with some wet paper towels. I'm going to leave her in there for a few hours to hopefully loosen up the scales and maybe even get the whole shed started. Then I'm going to get what I can off with warm running water... Which I'm sure will be so much fun. She's been acting like her skin is more sensitive than normal, so it's going to be a fight the whole time.

I'd put pictures up, as her skin looks really weird; almost sunburned. But whenever I try to take a picture, it doesn't really show up...