Just saw some awesome pix of terrariums with natural waterfalls and such. Beautiful but WAY too much work to maintain and I would worry about the humidity.

Having said that would a glass salad bowl (with straight sides to avoid tipping) or Pyrex square bowl (something 5 inches deep by 10 inches or so) work for swimming? I am thinking I could put some fake plastic plants in their and drape them over the edge to make it easy for the snakes to enter and come out plus since would NOT be submerged they would be visible while swimming.

Both 2 years old. If there are fake plants and such would drowning be a problem? Do they LIKE to swim? I notice when it gets warmer mine take a dip in their water dishes more but the dishes aren't big enough to really drive under and swim in though.

Plan would be to use it for swimming and drinking water so I would need to pull it out and wash it and put it back in frequently.