This morning, I was scouting out the yard for snakes. I spotted one over by my neighbor's house.

But when I got near it, it wasn't moving. I almost thought it was dead. But when I went to pick it up, it started squirming and striking.

I took the poor girl over to my driveway to get a better look at it. There looked to be some bad injuries around the middle of her back, and she wasn't able to move that part of her body. The upper half seemed quite mobile, though.

But after a lot of consideration - and not a small amount of hesitation - I finally decided that there was only one humane thing to do: to end her life.

I contemplated a couple of ways to end it as quickly and as painlessly as possible, and remembering something aSnakeLovingBabe posted long ago, I finally took a brick. She dodged my first strike. I finally struck her on the head, and after a few seconds, she stopped struggling.

I don't feel good about this catch at all, but at least I'm glad that I was able to end her suffering. Although I'm no expert, I seriously doubt she would have survived for long with her injuries.