Okies ... summary as promised.

Not the best summary for this one. Born yesterday, 06/05/13

70 days from lock to babies, 24 babies in total - 10 of these were either stillborn or had to be euthanised.

Weight after brumation 11/02 - 161g
before delivery 18/04 - 196g

From the 14 that remain two are special and being kept to see how they get on (1 dwarf and 1 with only one eye). The stillborn/euthanised snakes varied greatly. There were some kinked, some with deformed heads, another one-eyed individual, another dwarf and also one live snake that was born with its heart and some other organs outside of the body cavity. I shot some video of this that I'll post in a comprehensive post later in the month.

The only thing that seems to explain this phenomena at the moment is that the litter was too large for this little girl. She managed 16 for Sjoerd last year and I can't say that she has grown any since I took charge of her. I was pretty amazed that 24 babies had been squeezed out of her.

Anyway, the rest seem perfectly normal and about 80% ate today, their first offer of food.

It also seems likely that the next litter will come from Fawn, my other parietalis as yesterday I found a stillborn in her viv. Nothing has been found since but this seems to have been an early jettison of a possibly over-developed baby. Stretched out fully this stillborn was almost 9 inches long!!!

Anyway, to make up for some of the baby gloom here's some baby cuteness overload:

The first parietalis group are doing fantastically!!! All are feeding and all are full of confidence. Love these squigglies!