The first parietalis litter is here - British x Dutch (Slithers x Biscuit)

Quite eventful - I arranged to buy a second hand viv last night (to set up as a 'first snake kit' for a very lucky young man) and at about 1pm I got the call to meet at 2 .... I like to be early so I got ready to leave at quarter too. That's when I noticed that Biscuit was doing the toothpaste wriggle ... I couldn't see anything yet and had to go so I thought that I would catch most of it since I was only going to be gone for a few minutes ....

The other person was running late ... so much so that I was away for more than 30mins. I came back and looked in the viv. Biscuit was at the front of the viv and delivering a fresh one ... Fawn was in the hot hide - covered in Biscuits babies. I wish I had a picture of it but I don't.

Anyway, stats - No lock was observed but I approximate about 80 days or just over.
Weight after brumation - 11/02 - 270g, before birth 18/04 - 340g
Result = 18 babies - 11 live, 7 stillborn/possibly crushed.

The still born consisted of 3 kinked/a little deformed (born dead), 2 that showed the onset of decay at umbilacle and 2 that may have been crushed by Fawn in the hide but there's no way of knowing for sure.

Anyhows ... pics?