Hi everyone! My name is Jenny and I'm interested in snakes. In fact I really want a pet snake. I've watched all sorts of videos about snakes from the large ones to the tiny ones and what is really keeping me from potentially getting a snake is my squeamishness about dead mice, lack of space and money.

I do think a Garter snake, from the research I've done, might help in that area. I'm not squeamish about worms, in fact I live near one of the biggest wholesale suppliers of nightcrawlers in Ontario. Collected from pesticide free organic farms he assured me. And I'm no stranger to feeding fish, with how many I've owned, so I can handle those. The space requirements seem idea for my small apartment and...well they're just cute little guys aren't they! (I've also considered a hognose snake, but I've read they can smell pretty bad and I have cats AND neighbors to be concerned with. o-o)

So, what do you think? Am I the right candidate for a garter? What are all the costs involved?

Thanks for all your help, hope this forum can help me continue the research I need.