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  1. #1
    Hi, I'm New Here!
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Country: United States

    Greetings from Texas -

    I'd like to start by saying I really learned a lot by going through the forum and reading what others have had to say. So thank you!!
    I found myself here by chance two days ago...

    My kids and I found what we think to be an adolescent brown snake this past Saturday. Since then we've gotten a Terrarium, substrate, etc., and have even gotten him to eat the only two earthworms I've dangled in front of his face. Awesome!!! My first attempt to feed hime was last night, and he's eaten again already today (I've read this to be a good thing as others have had their wild caught snakes be tough when it comes to accepting food).

    In reading post after post about Dekayi, I felt pretty good about being able to take of him. I've never had a snake to care for before, but have been around them in the past. I think I bought everything necessary to take care of him. I even went as far as getting a heating light just in case I needed it. Still not sure if I do or not... Trying to decide on that. Any help would be appreciated. I'm also trying to determine whether or not the little snails around my house foundation are able to be eaten, shell and all. Is that safe? I hope so, because I've got tons of them around, along with little earthworms. All in all, I think I'm good in the food department. I put a little dish with some dirt in the terrarium, since that's what i found him in... Not sure if he likes that yet or not.

    I've attached a few photos for you all to take a look at. I've named him Benjamin since I spent exactly $100 at Petsmart as a result of his arrival - the name fit.
    Since I'm not seeing to much of a pattern on his body, I need a little confirmation that what I've got is truly a brown snake. He's about 7-8" long and was found right by the foundation of my house when pulling weeds. He's got the same looking head, so in my eyes all signs pointed to brown snake. He's really chill and doesn't mind being held at all. and does seem to mind his new home. He seems to be exploring and inspecting just fine rather than hide all the time.
    I appreciate any pointers you can give and I'm glad to be part of the community!


    - rswindull
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