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  1. #1
    Hi, I'm New Here!
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Country: United States

    Can anyone please help?!?

    Ok I posted some pics here a few years back of a Eastern Garter called Cyclone. She is a WC female and has been doing great up until this year. It started a month or so back when she went into the “blue” to shed and never shed. She since then has been soaked overnight. I added spag moss as bedding and moisture.After doing all this I still have yet to get her to shed. Now she’s started looking bad as far as color goes. Her diet consists of rat pups and strips of salmon and trout. She is still feed at her current state but looks bad. I had thought about maybe it could be something internal and would try Baytril but the vets in my area know little to nothing about snakes which I find odd. What is your take or advise on this situation?

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