My little red-belly snake is still doing well, but I'm having trouble getting it to eat. They're pretty much identical to Dekay brownsnakes, so I've only offered worm chunks and baby slugs (lucky timing on my slug colony) so far. I may try fish tomorrow. She's shown some interest in the worm bits when I offer them by hand, tracking and following but never actually striking them. When I leave them in her tank, she just completely ignores them. It's difficult to get food small enough for her; she's smaller than most of my baby garters when I got them, so I'm guessing she's one of this year's babies.
Right now she's hanging out in a small tupperware box with two baby slugs and some cut up worm, but I don't think they're getting eaten...

Any other suggestions on getting these snakes to eat? I've never worked with Dekays before, so I'm just kind of winging it. With her being so small and the fact that she was injured recently (very active, no swelling, don't think this is the reason she's not eating) it makes me nervous that she's not taking food.