Quote Originally Posted by Greg'sGarters View Post
I think it looks cool, but I believe that usually scaleless reptiles have more problems with shedding.
That is incorrect... and it's amazing this misinformation gets spread around so much still. They shed completely normal... like any other snake. In captivity being a scaleless does not affect their quality of life at all. They go about their lives the same as any other snake does. Eating, pooping, shedding, crawling around... They have all of their belly scales, so crawling is really no different for them. They also have facial scales and usually one or two rows of dorsal scales. Ultimately scaleless snakes in captivity is simply a visual abnormality.

Bearded dragons... different story. They have to constantly be monitored and peeled or they lose fingers and stuff.

Either way... I have mixed feelings about scaleless snakes. In captivity, it doesn't affect them. They aren't suffering, it's not cruel... it just is what it is. I don't even really like amels all too much either but hardly anyone who is so against the scaleless thing gives two thoughts or cares about amelanism and the adverse effects it has on vision. I personally would have a much large problem with people doing things such as breeding eyeless animals where their quality of life is obvious altered as it completely removes one of their 5 vital senses.