Hey im new to all this reptile care and what not but im ready to learn and do whatever it takes to keep my garter healthy , i got a baby albino checkerd garter today. hes very skiddish and wont let me touch him, he wont bite or anything just skiddish which is what i kinda expected. the problem is that i got him some minnows today and he wont eat. he will occasionaly climb the water dish and look into the water but never attempting to catch the fish. i would dangle one infront of his face and he seemed to be interested and bit once but then never came back to even look at it again. i chopped it in half and left it in a little dish incase he wasnt used to the live fish but still no luck. is it just him getting used to his new home and me over reacting? I also dont know if the website i ordered him from had feed him before shipping him out. Thanks!