If you received any Thamnophis or Thamnophis related item for Christmas we would like to hear about it. This is also a place for any Thamnophis related Christmas stories you would like to share.

I'll start things out with the gift I received from my largest T.radix female Speckle. She has been in quarantine while I deal with a medical issue. This morning I opened her tub and reached in to check on her. She bit me for the first time. She was wild caught from right outside the front door 5 years ago. She was an adult then and has been a total docile girl until today. I guess she's tired of meds and vent cleanings.
Little Flicker (T.ordinoides) also gave me a Christmas scare. I got into the Northwestern paddock and found him gone. He was found a short time later on the floor at my feet. He was looking up at me as if to say "please put me back this floor is cold".