I cool the garters every year, never a full on brumation in my eyes, but heat mats off and lights off but leave in the house.
The tanks are large enough to not change very much from room heat.
I usually offer food during this time just in case, if anyone decides they are hungry I tend to start the warm up process.
I wanted to brumate properly this year, outside its freezing, we lost electric to the shed, so can't use the greenhouse 'low heater thing' to stop freezing outside, so going outside is out of the question. Inside the tanks, its at 60f which although enough to put off food, I am not sure that its cool enough...
This year is different though as some are quite small from this year, I do not want to lose them.

so finally my questions...

1) is 60f too warm to even try?
2) should I just keep the temps up as normal?
3) I have read on here the brumation temps seem to be between 45f to 55f, has anyone brumated at different temps?

Thank you in advance.