So as you all have probably read, I have been trying to get my snake to eat something other than fish. I have tried worms previously and she wasn't very interested. So the other day I found a store that sold frozed pinkies in singles or 3 packs. I thought what the heck all I can do is try.
Well the first try was not a success. I put the pinkie, warmed up of course, in a baggie with fish pieces to scent them with. Well she did not like that, she was interested of course but not that intersted.
So I waited a couple more days and tried again, but this time I put a live fish in the feeder dish. Snake ate the fish. Okay so she's hungry not time to try the pinkie. So I put another fish piece into the dish and put the pinkie in there also( yes yes,I may get yelled at for cross contamination but this was an experiment). She went straight for the pinkie instead of the fish piece! I was so ecstatic. After she ate the pinkie she finished off her fish, but the fact she actually ate a pinkie made me very happy.
Mind you that durring this entire time my husband thinks I'm a total looney because he came home to a dead mouse in a plastic baggie in a dish of warm water in the sink. He just about jumped out of his skin and told me I'm a horrible human being for feeding dead baby mice..... I found it quite funny because this man is perfectly fine with me feeding live fish and worms and such but the fact that its a dead frozed mouse baby makes it all wrong. He should be glad I just have a garter not a Python or something.