Hello everyone i'm new on this site and I have a problem and I hope you can help me.
I've had my garter snake since last christmas and he has been very healthy and eating lance fish and pinkies without any problems.
About a month ago he escaped for three weeks(this has happened before but not for this lenght of time) when I found him he was stuck in the top of a closed door, he had a crush wound in his chest but other than that he was ok. I have put him back in his tank and he is looking lively and has recovered well. All seems in order.
The prolem is, whenever I try to feed him on his normal food he just rejects it, I have also tried him on spiders, woodlice and worms (night crawlers). He shows initial interest but won't eat. This has been going on for a week now and i'm worried that he is hungry but won't eat. The injury seems to be fully recovered (no visible signs/markings) and he is lively to the point of trying to escape his vivarium at every opportunity.

Has anyone one got any ideas on how I could make him start eating again? I am beginning to get a litle worried.

Thanks for your help in advance ,
