Sithis' mouth infection appears about the same, but starting yesterday I noticed his eyes have clouded over. This kind of worried me since I've read about cloudy eyes being a sign of a mouth infection getting worse. His mouth may be a little worse than it was, but still no discharge, and the gums are still pink. He ate some worm last night (with all the dirt squeezed out of it to keep his mouth clean) and begged for more, so he's not feeling too bad.
I also moved my equipment around a little bit, and have him closer to the heater with a bright bulb, so his temps are in the mid-80's now.

I can't tell if the cloudy eyes are just him getting ready to shed, or a sign of the infection getting worse. I'll get a picture up a little later. They both clouded over completely and at the same time, so I'm thinking it may just be shed related. I do wonder though since it has only been about a month since his last shed; of course at his size, he sheds pretty often.

Does anyone have pictures of what cloudy eyes due to infection look like? I'd appreciate something to compare it to.