
Well,,my Baby Western Fox Snake,will be turning a big!!#1,this week!!
Ripped from the jaws of Death!!Seconds away from being chopped in half!! at the hands of a spaded shovel.The oldest boy who has many Ball Python's,and has a few buddies,who themselves have pythons.It's one buddie who walked out into his back porchmto find his nieghbors ,screaming!!women ,screaming,KILL IT!!men searching for anything that looked like a weapon,the buddie had a good idea ,what was happening,run over and saw this little gem coiled up,no bigger than a half dollar,laying by some empty clay pots.
he was prepared for a Garter snake,and had no idea what this was,so with caution scooped it up into a empty pot,took it home and called my son,he quikly went over and he had no clue ,and quikly brought it to me,it took me all of a fraction of a second ,to know what this little beauty was,still sporting it egg tooth.

then measuring in at a whopping 12",yesterdays length,coming in at a robust,20 1/2"
