I do love this forum for all of the great information available. However, the note about the horrendous smell of silversides was missing. I couldn't find guppies to feed my snakes so I decided to try the silversides as recommended in the care sheet promoted on the forum. I brought the bag of frozen goodies home and opened it up in the kitchen (before our dinner) to take a few out to thaw for an evening snake feed and WHAM..... The most amazing stench permeated the lower lever of the house. The kids were outside playing and when they came in twenty minutes later the first thing they commented on was "that awful stench." My wife promptly informed me at that time that if I were to feed those to the snakes both those fish and the snakes would have to be outside during the feeding if that was the course to be served.

I know several board members talk about feeding their snakes silversides. Did I get a bad bag of frozen silversides or are those that feed them just fine with that very strong smell. Do share.
