T. elegans vagrans. 40-50 specimens. One individual tried to strike and that was under duress. None have ever so much as put on a threat display, including the one that tried to bite. The females I've handled have been anything but skittish, they've curled up instead of scampering. The males have varied from skittish to almost indifferent. Only 1 has musked me, the same individual that tried to strike.

T. sirtalis parietalis. 2 specimens, male and female, almost polar opposites. The female was somewhat skittish, lunged at me 3 times, under duress. The male appeared indifferent to handling. Neither put on a threat display. Neither musked.

T. sirtalis tetrataenia. 1 specimen, female. Frequent threat displays, frequent musking. 1 strike in 5 years, under duress, on the second day after it was acquired.