Hey everyone, my garter is 4 months old and has had multiple seizures in the past 24 hours. I'm afraid he is too far gone for a vet, but I will still consider it an option. Should I consider euthanizing him? As with all my garters, he is my beloved pet and I will not nor can I not euthanize him by way of smashing his head as I've read in old posts. I've read that this method will cause instantaneous death, therefore minimal to no pain is felt, but I simply can not force myself to do it. What are some other options I can use to euthanize him?

At the moment he is currently and has always been in (3 months) quarantine wile under my care because he was a picky/stubborn eater for me. He appears lethargic and the seizures for the moment have stopped. He also has weird tilt to his head.

Should I euthanize him or is there a chance he will recover on his own? I don't want to give up on him