Quote Originally Posted by ConcinnusMan View Post
Well, years ago they were causing all kinds of problems for reptile keepers including blindness and burns. The spectrums were harmful, there is high fire risk, etc. and they just weren't suitable for anything but ridiculously large enclosures where the snakes could get no closer than say, 6 feet from the bulb. However, apparently the technology has improved and Zilla now makes halogens specifically for reptiles. If you're going to use them I would stick with those. Not just any halogen will do.

I believe they still have UV output. Not suitable for albinos. Heck, halogens are used in some school gymnasiums. A few years ago a teacher and some students suffered partial blindness and severe retina burns when a protective filter on one of the lamps failed.

I still think there are better choices.
The gymnasium incident was HALIDE lighting, substantially higher UV output due to the Mercury plasma arc. It will give you "welder's eyes" if you look into it with the glass broke off.

As for technology, all of the small fiber optic Christmas decorations have tiny little halogen floodlights inside them. so they can't be that big of a fire hazard...

Judging by your UV statement, I honestly think you have Halide and Halogen confused.

My lizards stand up and play with their halogen floodlights, and they don't get burned.