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    Hi, I'm New Here!
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    Oct 2012
    Country: United States

    How do I know if an injured garter snake is okay to release back to the wild?

    On Thursday night (Oct. 4) I came home from work to find a garter snake all tangled up in the mesh that my landscapers had put down to cover new grass seed.  My cats had also discovered the trapped snake in the meantime.<br><br>I freed it; injuries included lacerations and disturbed scales on the top of the snake and a number of places where the mesh had cut deeply into the snake's underside.  Near the end of the tail, there was a cut that went about 2/3rd's of the way through.  I brought it inside to protect from further predation and to let it recover.<br><br>The snake was very lethargic at first, but has perked up over time, escaping from its initial shoebox yesterday and then investigating its current aquarium habitat with lots of tongue-flicking.  I didn't see evidence of any of the underside cuts anymore when I moved it yesterday, though I didn't investigate closely.  I just saw a small bug on the snake; not sure what to do about that either.<br><br>I have not applied anything to the wounds, nor have I fed it.  How do I know when it's ready for release?  I'm worried about the lateness of the year and the temperature outside; we are in Michigan, with temperatures in the 50's right now, so I'm thinking it must be about time for it to hibernate.  I don't really want to take care of a snake all winter, though I will if I have to!  There is a nearby wetland I can take it to, as long as I can be certain I'm not releasing it to a sure death.<br><br>I'm attaching pictures of the injuries to the topside of the snake for your assessment.  I can get pictures of the underside if that would be helpful too.<br><br>Thanks for any advice you can offer!<br>Lisa H.<br><img id="vbattach_7018" class="previewthumb" alt="" src="" attachmentid="7018"><img id="vbattach_7019" class="previewthumb" alt="" src="" attachmentid="7019"><img id="vbattach_7020" class="previewthumb" alt="" src="" attachmentid="7020">
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