Alright so I am going to skip all the talking but here is my current collection. Most of the Checkered Garters are HET Albino Granite so in the next two years I should have quite a variety. I am hoping to breed the super pastel into the granite gene as well. Let me know what you think!!!

This is the current setup since I am full time engineering student and this was my best idea for a setup in the apt. Works well and holds heat. Cheaper than a regular rack and breaks down easy for transportation. Now on to the snakes....

IMG_0454.jpgIMG_0463.jpgAttachment 0IMG_0461.jpg
My 2.3 Granites (From Left to right- Males w/ the top being a possible pastel granite, female HET albino, and two females one being the pissey girl I posted in the other thread)