I'm not sure if I should be moving talk about scrubs out of breeding and into general. Someone please let me know.

1. The good. all the scrubs seem really happy to see me and love getting on my hands... Especially at feeding time. I know... They don't LOVE me... They associate my hands with imminent food and can smell it on my fingers. Still lovely to experience. I have a pic or two of it I may upload later.

2. The bad. I've got a scrub that I highly suspect isn't eating. Last feeding (3 days ago... I intentionally waited an extra day to get them all good and hungry) 12 of 13 ate. The one that didn't happened to be one of the few with strong orange coloring. Same thing today. One of the orange ones didn't eat and I suspect it's the same one. It's also the runt of the group although it doesnt APPEAR to be lethargic. I've isolated him/her into a separate tank for closer monitoring and definite identification that it, indeed, is the snake not eating. Feedback welcome as always.

3. The ugly. Awwww... There's no ugly here. They are all adorable.

Thanks everyone!
