I've been a lurker on the forums for a little while but now that I am a garter snake owner I thought that I should introduce myself. One of my very first snakes, way back when I was a teen-ager, was a big Eastern female that I caught. She turned out to be gravid and that was quite the experience - the little critters were able to slide through the cracks in mom's cage and there were baby garter snakes all over the house, which did not endear me to my mother!

Many, many years and all kinds of animals later I once again have baby garters - three Easterns, flame/erythristic mother bred to snow and melanistic males. These are part of the shipment to Canada by Scott Felzer and was just too good an opportunity to pass up. They just arived last evening and I have them set up for now in Tupperware containers but later they will be moved to a naturalistic enclosure.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about everyone else's animals.