Not sure where to start. Many things one would like to do in life. The list changes, some things become more important than others. Yesterday I got to check one off that had been added to the list only a short time ago..... visit The T. Radix Ranch and finally meet Steve who up until yesterday I had only visited with on the forum and over the phone. THANK YOU STEVE! Words can't explain or do justice to the experience I had. To view and enjoy/admire everything on the ranch. To hold some of the snakes that on here you have come to know with pics and posts. To talk and visit with a man whoes love for these animals is clear to see on the forum, but to SEE it is something else all together. Great snakes, wondeful family, one hell of a guy! I thought on the drive home just how lucky I am to be within driving distance of an experience that anyone that loves garter snakes should experience, if only once. I hope to do so many more times! Tank, awesome! Again, I'm really at a loss for words they don't seem to be enough. Thanks again Steve, can't wait to do it again.