I have a garter who has decided to go on a hunger strike. It's a male and he has a female cagemate. He came out of brumation in April and all was fine til about 6 weeks ago. Him and his lover have been together a lot lately. you know, things are happening with them

Well, he used to eat a couple worms and fuzzies a week. During the last 7 weeks he has only had 1 worm, and that was about a week and a half ago. He's energetic but has no interest in food. worms were his favourite but as of late just doesn't seem to be interested. I know they can go a long time without, but 7 weeks and he's not ready to hibernate have me more than just a little concerned.
I've looked him over and he seems healthy, nothing obvious. Tha female is eating regularly. So is it just the fact that he's in heat and this is normal, or should I start to consider forcing him.
What do you think??