Quote Originally Posted by Sonya610 View Post
Okay regarding Sally's San Francisco Bay Brand....their website looks legit. I am sure a phone call tomorrow can settle the speculation regarding where they buy their product and if chemicals are used. I will report back. The founders/current president is a German, named Schmidt, so that makes me suspect they are legit, but not at all sure as well...just not sure...will report back tomorrow. My gut says China but we shall see.

Tropical fish food, Sand Eels, Bloodworms, Beef heart and Natural Formulated Diets San Francisco.
Been through this already, long ago. I thought this had been put to rest, or I would have saved their emails to me. There's no dang chemicals in the fish. It wouldn't do them much good to sell these as fish food, if the food killed your fish, now would it?

It's safe to use as aquarium fish food. It isn't going to hurt your snakes. It's fish, and water. That's it.