The T.radix Ranch is now a FedEx reptile certified shipper.
I thought I would post the process I went through for anyone that might be interested.
The great thing about it is the fact FedEx will pay for the shipping to test your package.

1. You need to have a FedEx account first and it is free. Account Options

2. You need to prepare a package for shipping that has everything but the animal in it.
Here is a link to assist you in creating the proper package.

3. You now need to contact FedEx and obtain the special FedEx account # for billing the test package back to them.

4. Now, fill out the Package Testing Application
This form needs to be placed on the outside on the test box. On this form you can choose to be notified by email as to the results and also to
to have your package returned (free) after testing.
Now, ship your package.

5. After shipping you will be contacted by FedEx with the results. If your package passes you need to contact your representative with the test
result number you were sent. They will prepare the legal contract that will need to be signed and returned.

Be sure to write down all the names and numbers to the people you contact.

This process took approximately 2 weeks to complete.