So I had an eventful day. First the neighbor boy came over wanting to see my new garter, Bella. I didn't see her in her container and figured she was hiding...but she must have somehow gotten to the top of the container and as soon as I opened it...she jumped out and off of the back of the table her container sits on and onto the floor...and she was heading toward going underneath a large piece of furniture. If she had gotten under it...I probably never would have found her. The neighbor boy...who loves snakes...quickly got under the table and caught her for me. Whew! I told him I owe him big time for that. Don't know what I would have done if I had lost her. Then there was a big spider in my house...which if you remember, I think ever spider I see is a brown recluse...I freaked out and caught it in a container so that I could take pics to show you guys...but then I remembered my camera is broken. You'll be happy to know I did not kill him...I set him free outside. I looked at pics on the internet and I think he was either some type of orb weaver or a baby wolf spider that wasn't hairy yet. Then, I spent a half and hour at my pool trying to catch a hurt squirrel so that I could take it to a lady I know that rescues and recuperates injured wildlife. The poor things leg was looked like he had been hit by a car or attacked by something. We didn't end up catching him...but he was eating and ran up a tree and back I figure he should be okay. Some of the people at the pool were looking at me like I was nuts...but others were trying to help and thanked me for trying to help the that was nice. If we see him hanging around there again...we will try to catch him so I can take him to the rescue.