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  1. #1
    the red sided giant reptileparadise's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Country: Netherlands

    2012 season update!

    A teeeny tiny update on our season, with still more to come!

    We’re having a blast this season with many litters, healthy litters, decent sized litters and some spectacular births!
    Amongst others at least one possible new recessive morph!

    Hope you guys enjoy it as much as we do! (Names of the (sub)species are mentioned in the photos…

    Thamnophis sirtalis pickeringii need about three years to develop their full colours. When pairing blue animals (i.a. blue to blue pairings) there’s always a few that are born yellow and stay yellow. We do not quite understand why this is (yet), but luckily, almost all are already turning blue!
    Parents where both extremely blue, so high hopes for these guys!


    Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis, stunning as always

    Thamnophis radix from our orange lines

    Thamnophis radix from a normal female to various males, showing these litters can be sired by multiple males as well!
    Last edited by reptileparadise; 06-23-2012 at 12:07 PM. Reason: Something going wrong with photobucket!
    welcome ( at ) crazyreptiles . eu

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