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  1. #1
    Subadult snake InsanePirateDragon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Somewhere you never heard of in Kansas
    Country: United States

    First Wild Garter of Kansas

    Finally! Thought I was never going to see any at all until the fall at least, and I wasn't even trying to find snakes at 11:00 at night.

    I was actually rounding up some snails and worms for Miss Lightning when I found what I believe what I think is a female and I quickly grabbed her. Almost stepped on her and I felt her go over my feet. I'm one of those 'if I can, I'm going barefoot' so I was at least quick to respond.

    Probably helped that it looked that she was in blue phase.

    And I've officially been musked by my first garter, so now I'm official. And she did try to grab me, but I was quick enough to move my hand and sort of dropped her in the tub I have her in at the moment and took some pictures with a bit of light from an LED flashlight so I can get a quick sex of it.

    I actually caught it not far from where I released that big one I found so it might be the same one.

    Working on uploading pictures now.
    Last edited by InsanePirateDragon; 06-12-2012 at 11:29 PM.
    2.0.0 T. s. parietalis (Marley and Sully)
    One Ornate Box Turtle
    And one grumpy bitey Leopard Gecko

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