I can't tell you how many times I've mentioned that one of my snakes is blind and gotten the response "How can you tell?" I think they rely a lot on smell to find their food. Houdini is completely blind and has no trouble finding his food in a dish. I've also had water snakes appear out of nowhere while I'm fishing within minutes of me cutting up a fish.

Harley has fallen asleep on me a couple times. Once, she got really agitated because her head kept slipping off the side of my hand as soon as she'd doze off.

Quote Originally Posted by katach View Post
Our snakes are pretty heavy sleepers. Sometimes they scare me, because they are so asleep their breathing slows down a lot! I tap on the tank and they usually don't respond. I open it and touch them and they look at me like "What the heck! I was asleep!!".
My 12 year old male does that too, and he spends a LOT of time sleeping.