Quote Originally Posted by chris-uk View Post
Albinos always look better alongside their normal siblings.
Whether these are a first for the UK or not, they are still fine looking snakes. Keep us updated as they grow, will be interesting to see how the colours develop. Steven sometimes posts on here, just reading the RFUK thread it ended before he said what his herp friends thought the genetics were for the snakes in the photos - there were a couple of guesses, but no real conclusion.
Exactly Chris, Florida Blues were always on my list of ones to buy and when my wife went to the Hamm show and called me to tell me that she had not just located Florida Blues but they were het for albino I just had to have them. It was only when i started to look into it a bit more that i stumbled upon that post and to be fair it confused the heck out of me lol. What i did find is that a clutch this kind in the UK is very very rare and i was never that in to UK firsts anyway and just wanted to do it for me anyway lol.
We're going to hold back an albino and one of the possible hets to see if we can't establish a line of Albino Florida Blues here in the UK as the only other person I've seen with them is Dr Alan Francis.
So i'll keep everyone up to date with the ones that i don't part with.