So yesterday I mowed the yard, while checking the many hides setup around the yard I came across a gravid?? (think I'm right) female. At first I didn't even notice the gravid situation, I was looking at her because she seems to have the exact coloring of what Goldie would look like as an adult. Then I noticed gravid. Now two things immediately crossed my mind. Let her go and hope she stays in the yard to see what becomes of the litter. Or, take her in and help her along until the litter arrives and see what she has. Now I know members on here will fall on either side of the fence on this one, but let me first say that this would not even be a issue I would have dealt with 2 months ago. BUt knowing that my albino had to come from somewhere last year, the chance that this could be the gal is soooo tempting. Now if nothing comes of the litter but some healthy looking snakes then everybody goes right back into the yard where they would have been anyway. I don't want to miss a chance to see this happen for myself without being on youtube. If mom and babies (fingers crossed) end up getting free room and board out of me and nothing else comes of it then so be it. But if she ends up tossing out an albino or two then we might have a different bridge to cross. I'll worry about any and all of that later. First thing is to get her settled in, happy, and babies, then go from there. I want to use this as a learnning oppurtunity and gain something from this experience. Pics were taken in plenty yesterday so I'll get them posted just as soon as I can. This will be the thread through this experience where I'll ask questions as they arrise and I hope that you guys will do what you do best and help out with any addvice and/or encouraging words. Again for anyone that may think I'm doing the wrong thing here, I look at the situation this way. Released she would be on her own to let nature do what it will. Inside she'll get a solid roof over her head, meals in her belly, and the babies get a better shot (I feel) at making it past day 1, week 1, month 1. Everyone on here learned all they know through trial and error, researching, picking more experienced members brains, so on and so forth. I hope to do all those things through this. Pics soon.